Real Name: Billy-Ray Johnson
Height: 6’9’’
Weight: 269 lbs.
Nickname(s) The Rapist, "TPT", Trailor Park Trash
Born: June 9, 1969
From: Any Trailor Park USA
Finishing Move: The Sodomizer, Sodomy Splash
Favorite sayings: "Rapist dun enjoy that!"
Favorite position: 69
Titles: LBCW Global Champ (1)
LBCW Victim's Champ (1)
The Rapist grew up in a trailor park
somewhere in the southern United States.
At a young age Billy-Ray found himself
facinated in be hated by the forcing people
into doing things they did not concent to do.
This is what made him into the piece of trash
he is today. His mother was an alcoholic and
his father was truck driver.
Billy-Ray's 1st job was working for the
A&P grocery store for minimun wage. He enjoyed
this job because of the ammount of people he
got to "meet" each day. Billy-Ray soon started
to realize his calling in life, and took an
interest in wrestling. "Theres a lot of ass
in the wrestling industry these days and I dun
enjoy that," Billy-Ray. So, in the 10th grade
Billy-Ray decided that he had learned all he
needed to know and set up a meeting with then
small time owner of a Chicken and Ribs resturant
LBCW owner and founder Lucius Brucious.
Lucius took Billy-Ray under his guidance,
and under his desk, and set him up with some fine
unwilling citizens. After seeing how Bill-Ray
treated all these people he decided on allowing
Billy-Ray to wrestle under the name of The Rapist.
The Rapist started out as a fine wrestler, and
sodemized each of his victims in the ring after
"beating" them. In the 1st ever LBCW PPV The Rapist
destroyed many of his opponents,and with his defeat
of his arch rival Mex-Pac he created his own belt
"The Victim's Belt." Now as the LBCW'S Victim's
Champion The Rapist celebrated by "giving" back to
the community by visiting elementary schools,
playgrounds, church groups, and petting zoos.
Then Billy-Ray's luck ran out and so did his
stamena. So with a reversal of "The Sodemizer" Mex-Pac
defeated The Rapist becomming the next Victim's champion.
This upset Billy-Ray, so with his loss he decided to
rape the living shit out of Mex-Pac's mother.
Billy-Ray began his training and returned to trailor
park and to the rest of his trash family. The Rapist was
then granted a title shot against Death. The Rapist knew
that he had to "beat" Death in this match and it wasn't
gonna be easy. This was not the first time that they
have faced eachother. In "Doomsday" the Rapist put Death
in a coffin, with the help of Mex-Pac. Then later on in
the PPV they had a rematch and Death won with "The Carcas
Then in the 3rd LBCW PPV, "Holy Mother Fuckin Johnson
Rod '98," The Rapist defeated Death fot the LBCW Global
Title. There is some speculation that Triple "K" was in
some way involed with the defeat of Death. So, now as
the Champion of the LBCW, The Rapist will begin his reign
and rape the fuck out of anyone in his path!
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