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Real Name: Wolfgang Goldberg

Height: 6’ 6’’ 

Weight: 212
From: Berlin, Germany
Finishing Move: The Concentration Clamp
Nick names: Swat-Sticka

Stables:  A member of the 3rd Reik

Wolfgang was brought up a very disturbed child.  He had a lot of aggression built up
inside of him and he had to find a way to vent it.  Wolfgang left his homeland and 
family at the age of 12 to come to the U.S. to find a way to release his anger.  Then,
under the wing of Grand Master K he learned how to wrestle.  Grand Master K soon learned
about Wolfgang's high threshold of pain.  It seemed that nothing realy hurt him at all
and he loved to take a beating.  With this great ability, Grand Master K trained Woldgang
to be an extreme hardcore wrestler.

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